Saturday, October 17, 2009

why helllllllllloooooo there

ohio.  today was pretty ok.  i spent the morning with my nieces, annika and maggie.  i like them kiddoodles a whole heck of a lot.  also spent some time with the momster, then came over here to my pop's house.  i went to dinner with my sister and her in laws, papa, my brother lank and papa's friend regina.  we went to the macaroni grill and that place was kind of suck.  some little girls were talking to me and they tried to give me a hair ribbon.   when i was in the bathroom they were whispering to each other by the sinks "hey the girl voice lady is here!"

now i'm drinking Harvest Moon Pumpkin Ale.  It is sawwwwwweeeeeet.  I vote pumkin ale for president!!

In other news... i got a bikini in the mail.  soon as i get the body to go in it i will post better pics.

i also got a wee little haircut. if you are in east greenbush, ny and you need a haircut you should go see richard at supercuts in the target plaza.  target plaza is actually in north greenbush i believe, to be more exact.  richard works there on saturdays... and maybe other days but i don't know.   i did a buttload of laundry as well.

ok bye :)
thanks for the support

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