i have a massive head cold. i have a massive head, and inside a cold. honest my head is rather large. when i was a wee one i had this big old noggin, so big my mum had my head scanned to see if i had a big ole brain or an excess of cerebral fluid. i had a big brain. the big head combined with my tiny feet meant a great delay in walking.

since i woke this morning with a bad cold, i dosed myself liberally with ephedrine, caffeine, vitamin c, zinc, and oatmeal. this lead, unfortunately, to numerous trips to the ladies room, but also to the loquacity you see exhibit herein. my heart beats rapidly and my mind marches in lockstep therewith, spewing verbal bedizenment about with little regard to the overall deformity resultant in such verbose bedazzling.
alright now ease it up a bit there oni. my dear friend and former apartment-mate sammie, from perth, australia, put up several photographs from the 2007 period, which I would like very much to share with you now.
this is lana and i, at a grocery store called wegmans, in rochester new york. we are holding feijos, making a photograph for our dear friend sarah, who lives in alabama and is much enamored with this strange fruit.
Here I am shown waiting for a shuttle train at the East 180th St stop of the 5 train, in The Bronx. I appear to be enjoying an Arizona Diet Iced Tea with Honey and Ginseng. I am very fond of this beverage and find it to be refreshing, delicious and energizing.

In conclusion, this is quite possibly the most pointless and rambling blog post ever embarked upon. The cold medicines and exhaustion have conspired to make it so. I am going to go back in my bed now, most likely to finish reading the novel i picked up last night, a quirky little rewrite of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. This telling is slightly more enjoyable than the original, as I tend to find Ms. Austen's work exceedingly dull.
I will return to the cyber-realm later today, perhaps to update this blog but most assuredly to seek employ, seeing, as many of you well know, i have been laid off by former employer due to an extended illness and attendant hospitalization. spirits remain high in spite of this set back and i intend to be on my feet again shortly.
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