- Helpful clerical personnel. Shout out to Michelle at the Registrar's Office at the New School for hooking me up with super-fast turnaround on that official transcript request. You saved my butt and you didn't even give me crap about that fact I had months to take care of it but put it off until the day before.
- My big sister Miriam for post-midnight telephone consultation during crisis and for yummy sushi. And the city of Philadelphia for having the best sushi roll for yummy bagel-and-lox from the Orient flavor.
- Reading with my girls. I'm getting to explore the next generation of Children's and Tween literature and I'm really loving it! Junie B. Jones
, Fancy Nancy
, Pinkalicious
, FreckleFace Strawberry
, all that :)

- halloweenie!! i got to make pumpkins with the girls which was awesome and also i am having a halloween-themed birthday party. very excited!!
ok i gotta go to the gym real quick then shower and edits for the ponies and head to manhattan :)
other things i love: that i can now almost do "dips" on the captains chair at the gym, my new sweaters, cantaloupe, that light therapy exists to help me with S.A.D.
Hooray for special lights!