it's heavy as hell. secured on the outside of my fire escape. hope it won't bother my neighbors or get me in trouble. strawberry seeds have yet to germinate. hopefully not duds. oregano's doing fine, a little yellow, nitrogen might be off, made an adjustment. dittocat has nice cat grass i grew him :) he loves to munch on that :) big ups to henry for the mini aqua globes
Speaking of laziness I've got plenty. hmm. I need to do the dishes and the laundry b/t tonight and tomorrow, refill a prescription and cook for the week and straighten up the house some more. That part never ends!!
laid a pedi egg!
And I need to workout. because i am SO LAZY. how lazy am i? (answer in comment section please)
This is mort. he is my new crawdad. he lives in the tank with my turtle (lahsanna) and her food-fish. i like to eat crawdads but i'm not gonna eat mort. because he's a pet. and he eats yucky things that would otherwise make the tank much dirtier.
i like drinking coffee. i think i will make some now, or maybe a shake. i made the best shake ever last night with my relatively new blender
. it was banana, kefir, mango, cherry juice and pear juice and it rocked! i froze some b/c i had extra so i will put that in today's smoothie. i like having smoothies for lunch or breakfast b/c they don't make me tired like big meals.
my blender is from proctor silex and i bought it at pc richards. it's pretty good considering the low price and it handles ice better than my old one. but it is LOUD LOUD LOUD and the design not the best for cleaning.
ok i'm tired of writing my blog. leave me comments it cheers me :) bye!
oh yeah and i have to wear my old glasses for like another five days until my new ones come or i get contacts in the mail. my eye finally healed from the inflammation it was experiencing thank g-d!
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