Friday, October 29, 2010

TILT$ a day late and a dollar short :)

things i love thursday, on a friday.

1.  dittocat. he came into my life about seven years ago because i was living in a cabin that had tons of mice.  i like mice as much as the next guy but when they started leaving little turds in the silverware drawer i went to my sister's place and asked her for her best mouser.  i intended to borrow him for a week, but i fell in love.  he is my furry compadre through all life's joys and disappointments and i wouldn't trade him for the world.  his name is ditto because there were so many black cats at that place when they got him they just called him ditto.  brian and i have also bestowed upon him a plethora of derivations including, ditteronomus, d-money, jamal dittonoffski, p-diddy, ditz, ditters von kitters, and ditty bop.

2. being an aunt.  when kara got pregnant i was worried about her.  i thought she was putting a serious hurting on her future life choices and saddling herself with far too much responsibility for her young shoulders.  but she put on her big-girl panties and became an awesome mom, leaving me free to be the world's happiest aunt.  annika, you are my jewel, my joy and my darling.

3. new haircuts!
yeah... it's weird and chloe think i look like a boy but i love it :)

5.  my petland.  it's under the 2 and 5 elevated train on white plains road, next to the burger king.  I have been going there for a few years about once a week for fish for the turtle and things for the cat.  it feels like "cheers" because everybody knows my name.  the kids there are very helpful and friendly.  stop by and say hi to ricky and alex and marisol and the rest, and pick up some tasty goldfish at ten for a dollar.  (when my turtle eats the goldfish she holds the fishes head in her mouth and rips off the scales and they swirl around all sparkly in the water and make it look like that tank is filled with Goldschlager.)  and that reminds me, it is goldschlager weather and i love that stuff.  how could you not?  it has REAL GOLD in it and tastes like you're drinking Big Red

And all the rest:  good friends who get me, people who understand when i can't be more than i am, staying confident in the face of rejection letters, good gym clothes, my leather jacket, my scarab necklace, my basil plant, my birthday, my roommate, sweater weather, doing situps upside-down on the monkey bars, ice-cream Wednesdays, snack-time at work and being lazy.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010


1. The PINK PONIES, my beloved writing group.  we met at the New School and have been meeting (roughly) once a week for almost two years.  I couldn't have finished my novel, THREE, without them, and I wouldn't have grown so much as a writer.  Also I would be quite a bit crazier.  I love my ponies.

2.  Found a new place to get a great cup of coffee for only 90 cents on my way to work!  i usually make coffee at home but this week I ran out and i remembered this place called New Goldmine Coffee Shop.  It's under the 1 train at the 231st stop (231st and Broadway in Kingsbridge).  They have the BEST donuts I've ever had in the Bronx, they are always fresh and soft and wow!  I had stopped going in there because the doughnuts are too tempting, but now I am always late in the morning so I only have time for a quick cuppa.  The staff is super nice and friendly and of course bilingual in English and Spanish.  I highly recommend the Dominican style oatmeal, the coffee and the donuts.  They are very affordable too.

3. Tasti D-Lite.  It's a pseudo ice-cream which is fantastic.  I bought three quarts with Henry a week ago and brought them home.  They have less calories and fat than ice cream but really hit that craving spot.  love that stuff!  one of the best pats of living in NYC!

4. New York Public Library!  Don't really need to explain this one, except to explain to those who don't know that I am a voracious bibliophile and I burn through 4-6 novels a week.  If I had to buy books I would be in BIG trouble.  So when I moved to NYC and got plugged into this massive, awesome multi-branch inter-library loan system I must say I was in heaven.  Unfortunately The city council cut $10 million from the library's funding earlier this year, forcing some branches to reduce operating hours.  All the library branches I frequent in the Bronx were hit  with reduced hours, but the worst is my local library (The Van Nest Branch.)  Fortunately I work in a richer neighborhood and the library is open most of the day while I am babysitting, so I take the children and also do my library business there at the same time.  Overall I still love the libraries, even though my local library is no longer part of my life because the of the drastic reduction in hours.

5.  Really dope bikini pool party I crashed at the Grace Hotel this week. I want to have a party there :)  pool + bar + sauna = awesome.

OTHER STUFF:  my daddy, tacos for breakfast, not running out of Toilet Paper because we bougth the giant thing a BJ's, whiskey and diet cokes, rice cakes with ground peanut on 'em, dittocat, my writing desk (which is not like a raven in a any way), snacktime,

new bug necklace, deadlifts, getting application in for school on time, my bed even though it is broken and lumpy it is still comfy, the bread outlet store in riverdale (mini bagels, woot!), ECA stack, my netbook, Vitamin D3, planned parenthood, orange toenail polish, coloring books, pretty girls, good first dates, tweezing my eyebrows, wearing earrings, The Tale of the Genji, honey wheat pretzels, kefir, dinosaurs and understanding third grade math!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


had a swell time this weekend at my cousin Benn's wedding to the lovely Emma.  I cried during their first dance!
My cousin Jonny played DJ and everyone had a great time dancing at the reception, especially annika! if you check a few post back on here there is a vid of her and i dancing. 
here's my sister, her boyfriend and myself freezing but happy at the ceremony.  i look like a babushka:

the cake smoosh:

sunday i got to spend with my papa. i love him. i get to see him tomorrow and he's staying at my house overnight because he needs to be in the city doing lawyer stuff two days in a row. i'm going down to the appellate division in the afternoon to hear him argue. i like seeing my dad do his thing. i remember being little and getting SO SO excited when my dad was on television, or watching him defend or condemn legislation at the capital. i remember my visits to the new york state legislature very fondly, because even my dad's political enemies couldn't help but be charmed by his pack of rag-a-muffins (i'm one of five and we are all awesome.) i got my first ben and jerry's from a republican senator! anyway papa and i went to valatie's main street diner because we love it! best breakfast in the capital district. and there is a very pretty waterfall and a strangely enchanting vacant lot nearby as well.
today was back to the regular schegular. good thing i love my job!
my hair is getting really long and kind of crazy!!

*several of these photos were taken by the mother of groom, Margaret Griffin AKA Aunt Mertie!  they were so great i had to steal a few.

Bit fuzzy today. Had a

Bit fuzzy today. Had a very early appointment then wnt 2 the phrmcy whch took an hr so i got pizza thn snuck a nap. Now work

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cake 0n da face


I love being an Aunt!

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Super ani

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sophie Vid!! and a pic of Chloe and I :)

we had a quiet rainy day today.  before i came to work i did tons of laundry, and dishes, and sent emails to agents.  i want a book deal so bad!!  tonight i'm taking the greyhound upstate to attend the wedding of my beloved cousin boo boo (aka bennjamin).  OH NO~~!  I left the wedding card at home.  What a knucklehead, now i'm going to have to buy ANOTHER one!  this project is getting expensive.  How about we add some more pictures?

pictures from work :)